【同义词辨析】 2020-01-19 垄断monopoly-cartel

monopoly: implies exclusive control of a public service or exclusive power to buy or sell a commodity in a particular market: our modern electric utilities are controlled and regulated ~ies.    如men don't have a monopoly on unrequited love并非只是男人才有单相思,如managers do not have a monopoly on stress并不只是经营管理者有压力,如a good education should not be the monopoly of the rich良好的教育不应成为富人的专利

corner: applies to a temporary effective monopoly of something sold on an exchange so that buyers are forced to pay the price asked: maintained his ~ on wheat for three days.  exchange交易所

pool: applies to a combining of interests and joint undertaking by apparently competing companies to regulate output and manipulate prices: refused to join the commodities ~.

syndicate: in financial circles, refers to a temporary association of individuals or firms to effect a particular piece of business; in more general terms it applies to a combination of things, such as newspapers, business firms, or criminals, interested in a common project or enterprise and often carries suggestions of monopoly: own a horse through the ~.

trust: historically applies to a merger of companies in which control is vested in trustees and stockholders exchange their stock for trust certificates in the new company, but it is often extended to any large or complex combination of business interests especially when felt to represent a threat to healthy competition: prosecuted for violation of ~ laws.

cartel: commonly implies an international combination for controlling production and sale of one or more products: carried on delicate negotiations with the oil ~.

monopoly垄断: 指独家控制某公共事业,或独享某种商品买卖权,corner囤积: 指暂时垄断待售商品,迫使买方支付高价,pool联营、共享资源: 竞争对手采取联合,以调控产出操纵价格,syndicate辛迪加: 在金融领域,指为经营某项业务进行联合,更一般地表示为共同项目的联合垄断,如报社公司罪犯,trust托拉斯: 原指公司合并后,原有股东变为信托人,持有信托券控制新公司;后引申表示庞大复杂的商业利益集团,对健康的竞争构成威胁,cartel卡特尔: 指国际间联合,控制商品生产销售

记忆方法: 1)首字母MCPSTC常常漠视普通<==垄断  ”是”田埂土埂”,是田地分界处高起的埂子,高于两侧的土地,””是指”分开隔绝”,垄断出自孟子:”必求垄断而登之,以左右望而网市利” ---居高临下统观整个市场,以便寻找机会,尽收市场之利,就是垄断

        2)垄断的意思是控制价格的手段mean a method of or system for controlling prices.